NFT Discoveries - Desert Boy NFT

3 min readJan 4, 2022


On January 3rd, 2022, a unique Desert Boy NFT has been launched on OpenSea.

Desert Boy NFT photograph

What do we know about this NFT?

This single NFT has been created for a unique photo — a portrait of a boy. It has an intriguing form referring to the famous photos of photographers specialising in non-obvious, artistic portraits, such as: Steve McCurry, Joel Santos or Annie Leibovitz.

The boy’s head featured in the photograph seems to grow out of the endless sand, and his face shows a whole range of non-obvious emotions. The whole thing has a very specific style, originality that is difficult to define. It is easy to imagine this photo as something iconic, such as Steve McCurry’s Afghan Girl.

Surprisingly, in the NFT description there is no information about the person featured in the photo nor its author. The creators decided to keep this information a secret, only suggesting that the boy might be an actor or a musician.

NFT Contest

Keeping information regarding Desert Boy secret is clearly a promotional strategy. One of its elements is a contest where you have to investigate and guess the boy’s name or nickname. The first person to post the correct answer on the Desert Boy Discord server will receive 20% of the final NFT price. An additional condition is to share a post on this NFT on social media. These are, of course, activities designed to promote the auction.

Is this NFT worth buying?

A secret about the photo should increase interest, but wouldn’t it be a more effective method to announce that it is, for example, a photo of a famous actor, taken by a famous photographer? Wouldn’t that be more profitable strategy?

Desert Boy NFT creators are expected to announce the information about the boy at the end of the auction. It is very interesting how this will affect its value growth. It seems that if the Desert Boy were to turn out to be someone very famous, the price should increase sharply. Even if that were not the case, the popularity of this NFT and its artistic qualities should ensure a further increase in its value anyway.

The NFT offers an important addition — a non-exclusive printing license, which can be a high value on its own considering artistic value of the photograph.


It is definitely worth following this unique NFT. Taking into account creator’s promotional strategy and the potential increase in the value of this NFT, it is worth considering its purchase, especially if the price wouldn’t exceed 2 ETH. The minumum bid is set to 0.2 ETH. The auction ends on January 16th, 2022 at 3:00 PM PST / 24:00 CET.


If my article increased your interest in Desert Boy NFT feel free to check the links I have listed for you:

OpenSea Auction
Desert Boy Website




I am a huge fan of new technologies. I am fascinated by NFT revolution. I am just about to start a series of articles about my NFT discoveries.